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14 And he appointed, according to the mishpat Dovid Aviv, the machlekot (divisions) of the Kohanim to their avodah service, and the Levi’im to their mishmerot (watches), to praise and minister before the Kohanim, as the requirement of every yom required; the Sho’arim (Gatekeepers) also by their machlekot (divisions) at every sha’ar; for thus was the mitzvot Dovid Ish HaElohim.

15 And they deviated not from the mitzvat HaMelech unto the Kohanim and Levi’im concerning any matter, or concerning the otzarot.

16 Now all the work of Sh’lomo was carried out from the yom musad (day of the foundation) of the Beis Hashem until its completion. So the Beis Hashem was perfected.

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